All illustrations were created by Chicago graphic designer, Cassidy Johnson. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our website.
Lauren Tussey

managing editor
Lauren describes herself as a Drake-loving optimist and says she is most passionate about making women’s equality a happening, progressive thing in our communities. Lauren is most proud of the exciting work she’s been doing at her internship with the Association for Women Journalists Chicago.
“Girls empowerment means so much for everybody. Young girls feeling confident and ready to go out in their lives knowing they can do what they love, no matter what anyone else says or does is what will make all the difference in making our world better.”
anna Zielinski
associate managing editor
Anna describes herself as adventurous and says she is passionate about fashion. Anna is most proud of double majoring in Magazine Journalism and Fashion Design.
“To me, girl’s empowerment means never backing down, always going for that goal and not allowing anyone to treat you differently because you are a woman.”

Diamond Brown
web editor
Diamond describes herself as optimistic and says she is passionate about living life to the fullest. Diamond is most proud of her work ethic and passion to create quality content.
“I love the theme of girls' empowerment because it means so much more than just telling a girl she can do anything. It means that these girls get the confidence and opportunity they may not have been given in the past.”

Lee Kolcz
multimedia edior
Lee describes himself as goofy and says he is passionate about comedy and film. Lee is most proud of teaching himself how to play piano and the drums.
“Girls' empowerment is about taking off our "male gaze glasses" and treating women as equals while seeing them as individuals. Working on this website with a great group of women only enhanced the importance of this topic to me.”

Shannon Blum
copy chief
Shannon describes herself as determined and says she is passionate about writing because she finds it as a form of expression and free space. Shannon is most proud of landing a digital/editorial internship with NBC Chicago.
“Girl empowerment is not giving power to one gender over the other, it is giving equality to all people regardless of gender. Girl empowerment provides confidence and builds strong leadership among all gender platforms.”

abigail adler
social media editor
Abby describes herself as determined and says she is passionate about her family. Abby is most proud of how she put herself out there throughout college and never turned down an opportunity.
“Girls empowerment means the world to me. It is so inspiring to see how the movement has changed since we were young girls, and I love seeing young girls being the ones who are doing the empowering.”

breanne somach
about us writer
Breanne describes herself as loving and says she is passionate about fitness and healthy living, especially eating and working out. She’s most proud of a blog she started a while back, among all the things she has accomplished.
“Girl empowerment means the chance for equal opportunities and the chance to explore myself and what I am capable of.”

Jaclyn Jermyn
Jaclyn describes herself as a research geek, history lover, and a dog enthusiast. She is passionate about learning new things and being able to discuss those things with other passionate people. Jaclyn is most proud of being able to graduate college a year early.
“Female empowerment means being able to support other female identified people in the same generous way I have been supported by women all of my life.”

Lorena Arbe
Lorena describes herself as a perfectionist and yogi striving to make a positive change in the world. She is passionate about helping kids and creating a better and brighter future. Lorena is most proud of her ability to finish a book in less than a week despite how much homework she has.
“It means that we are showing girls all around that there is nothing that should be holding them back. Be who you want to be and don’t let anything stop you!”

Sarah describes herself as meticulous and says she is passionate about individual rights and people having the freedom to live their lives without the interference of others. Sarah is proud of taking ownership of her life.
“Empowerment means having the confidence to take the actions necessary for you to live the life you want to live.”
Sarah Martinson

Cesar Morales
Cesar describes himself as loyal and says he is passionate about fatherhood, law enforcement and writing. Cesar is most proud of his son.